Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam in Telugu: Cost, Vidhi And Benefits

Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam in Telugu is one of the Hindu activities mixing Sanskrit words called Anna+Prasana. Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam is mostly named as the baby’s first eating or first rice-feeding ceremony.

Key Insights Of Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam

The Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam is a very common puja for all Hindus. The main purpose behind this ritual is to transition the food diet from liquid to solid for the babies. Generally, this Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam is performed for the baby boy in even months and baby girl in odd months.

Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam in Telugu must be performed before the child’s first birthday. This ritual can be performed at home or in the temple as well. The meaning of this Annaprasana Pooja Vidhanam in Telugu is to introduce the child to solid food materials such as payasam or kheer. After this ritual, a variety of food is introduced to the baby.